Ready for this kind of speed?
Sitting here, browsing through a variety of motorcycle blogs with STARZ on my TV – the movie “Looper” is playing in the background. I peek up occasionally to catch some of the movie.
On one of my peeks, I see our protagonist jump on what looks like a Ural – at least the logo reminds me of a Ural. I get excited thinking I’m going to see a motorcycle in a chase scene. I stop what I’m doing to pay attention. Then he attempts to start, curses at the bike and now we’re shown that it’s some rocket powered bike – way cool.

Are you ready for such a ride? Would it still provide the same sensation as rolling down the highway on two wheels? I guess we won’t really know for a while. In the meantime, feast your eyes on the future superbike.

Dig the Speed!

I feel the need for speed!