I’ve come to realize that intersections are a major location for accidents. In all the accidents I’ve come across at intersections, it appears the problem is one driver taking the left — while the light is yellow on its way to red — is broadsided by the oncoming driver who had the ‘right of way.’

With this in mind, I’ve stopped creeping into the intersection when there’s oncoming traffic and I now stay at the white line until I see a clear path to move ahead.
Last week a driver behind me at an intersection apparently didn’t appreciate my level of safety. He crept up about 6 inches from my rear tire. When I turned and gestured “what’s the deal?” he angrily pointed for me to move into the intersection. I didn’t. He pulled up around me and called me a “Jack Ass” as he sped by me.
At first I was pretty upset – aren’t we all when someone attacks who we are? Then I realized that when I do the right thing for my own safety and it makes someone else pissed off – that’s their problem. I made it home safely another day.