Motorcycles are magical—creating commonality in the midst of diversity. Today serendipity gave me the opportunity witness this phenomenon.

The Phoenix Dappers in Tempe, AZ
I found myself at the Tempe Marketplace in search of a place to do some homework and while there, I spied a nicely modified Triumph Bonneville—Renthal bars, bar-end mirrors, 2-into-1 pipes and upgraded rear shocks—sort of a café racer meets brat tracker. While I was admiring the Bonnie, Jack Chin rumbled up on his café racer customized Honda CM 400, dismounted and—no doubt thinking the Bonnie was mine—extended his hand in a friendly introduction. After I explained that the Bonnie wasn’t mine Jack remained overtly friendly—thanks Jack!

Getting Ready for the Lunch Run to Lux Cafe
Shortly after Jack and I chatted about my FZ6R streetfigher mod several other riders arrived. Jack explained that the group—the Phoenix Dappers—meets periodically for group rides to a local lunch joint for some great food and motorcycling camaraderie. This diverse group had a common thread—enjoying the excitement of traveling on a two-wheeled vehicle—and their rides were also diverse. There was the Bonnie, Jack’s café racer, a Honda CX 500 café racer, a ‘copper-flavored’ Kawasaki 440 bobber, a Honda CTX and a scooter.

Each member of the group was as friendly as Jack—introducing themselves and offering that I join their ride. I was excited by their overt display of friendliness and their acceptance of anyone who shares their passion for 2-wheels.
I learned from Jack that he recently formed the Phoenix Dappers in conjunction with the annual Distinguished Gentleman’s ride—hence the “Dapper” moniker. While they are a young group they jived as though they had been a group for years—a testament of the power of motorcycling for creating community!
I had the pleasure of chatting with some of the members about their bikes and I was very impressed with the level of talent for breathing new life in old bikes—well done!

When the time came for the group to depart I was fortunate to be able to leave the parking lot as they were leaving. I watched as the Dappers—the diverse group—weaved their way in unison toward their lunch location—the Lux Café.

It was a pleasure meeting such a friendly, accepting group—I hope to join a ride soon.
What’s your motorcycling story?